Food Distribution Resources

UPDATED as of February 3rd 2025

UCSB Food Security & Basic Needs Taskforce

The UCSB Food Security and Basic Needs Taskforce is offering free grocery delivery (free for the delivery and free for the groceries) to eligible UCSB students who are currently sick, showing signs of illness, are quarantined, over 60 years of age, or immune-compromised for as long as you are not able to visit the grocery store. Given the increasing need for this program, they will also only be able to support students with demonstrated financial need when considering new registrants.

CLICK HERE to access this application

UCSB Food Security and Basic Needs Taskforce also has a Halal and Kosher food program for qualifying students. To access this application, please CLICK HERE.

UCSB Campus Food Bank Sites

Miramar Food Pantry

Location: Sierra Madre Apartments (off the main courtyard)


Associated Students Food Bank

Location: UCen 2nd floor by Subway & SB Printer


These locations are open to UCSB students only

SAFE Food Net Sites in Goleta and Isla Vista

CLICK HERE for the Santa Barbara County Food Bank website to learn more about locations and hours.


CalFresh is a federally funded nutritional assistance program that provides eligible participants with up to $292 each month to spend on groceries. 

Check out more details on eligibility and how to apply HERE.

SB County Food Pantries

The Foodbank of Santa Barbara County supplies a wide variety of organizations with food for residents seeking food. View a list of food pantries food pantries, mobile distributions, and prepared meals throughout Santa Barbara County.

Find more details HERE, the Find Food map HERE and check out the general website HERE.

Foods Not Bombs

All Vegan Meal Made with Ingredients Donated from the Local Farmer’s Market.

Meet at Little Acorn Park (901 El Embarcadero Rd) and/or Wednesday from 5:30PM-6:30PM.

More information HERE.

IV Community Center Garden

The IV Community Center garden surrounds the community center at the base of the Embarcadero Loop in Isla Vista. We help to bring beautiful flowers to the community and food to our volunteers. This garden is a partnership between the Edible Campus Program and the Isla Vista Community Services District.

Located at 970 Embarcadero del Mar SUITE 101, Isla Vista, CA 93117

Halal and Kosher Grocery Program

The Halal and Kosher Grocery Program provides weekly no-cost grocery bags to students keeping Halal or Kosher diets who live in the UCSB area.

Check out more details on eligibility HERE and the application HERE.

Food Resource Map

The Basic Needs program at UCSB has created a downloadable and printable food resource map that focuses on the UCSB campus resources, partners and programs with a short statement on what they offer.

More information HERE.